Are you an employee living in the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area? If so, you may have heard about the recent tumult of wrongful termination issues among prominent employers. Countless stories detailing employees being unfairly let go and … [Continue reading]
What is the Right Time to Contact a Sexual Harassment Attorney?
If you've experienced sexual harassment in the workplace, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next. It can be difficult to determine when is the right time to contact a sexual harassment attorney; however, taking action as soon as … [Continue reading]
When Can You Sue for Wrongful Termination?

Have you been wrongfully terminated from your job? When is an employer's decision to terminate illegal and what remedies are available to employees subjected to wrongful termination? There may be situations where terminating an employment … [Continue reading]
Sexual Harassment – When Words Have Consequences

At the workplace, everybody deserves to be treated respectfully and with dignity. Sadly though, not all employees will feel this way; they may encounter sexual harassment in different forms, from unwanted comments or advances from colleagues or … [Continue reading]
Things You Should Know About Common Labor Law Violations

As an employee, it is important to be aware of both your rights and the labor laws that protect them. Not only does this help you spot unfair practices in the workplace, but it also helps prevent employers from violating those same laws. With this … [Continue reading]
How is Sexual Harassment Different from Sexual Assault?
Sexual harassment and sexual assault are both serious issues that can have a profound impact on victims. However, there are some key differences between the two. Sexual harassment is generally defined as unwelcome or unwanted sexual advances, while … [Continue reading]