Tips to Hire an Age Discrimination Lawyer

There are many circumstances in which age discrimination may occur. For example, an employer may tell discriminatory jokes about older employees, make derogatory comments about an employee's age, or refuse to promote an older employee. If you have … [Continue reading]

What are Examples of Religious Discrimination?

Legally, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prevents employers from engaging in discriminatory behavior against their employees on the basis of religion and religious beliefs. If you have experienced religious discrimination in your workplace, … [Continue reading]

How to Cope With Wrongful Termination

Being terminated from your job can be a devastating experience, and it is normal to feel wronged if you were let go for no discernible fault of yours. While you might think that you have no other option than to accept the situation and move on, you … [Continue reading]

How Do I Find a Local Lawyer?

You have finally arrived at this decision that you are going to need a lawyer to get a solution for your problem. And now your next process begins where the search for attorney is going to take place which is undoubtedly is one of the most difficult … [Continue reading]

When to Hire an Age Discrimination Lawyer

There are many instances when elderly or young employees fall into the trap of age discrimination and suffer a lot in the workplace. It is the moral duty of the employer to never look at the age number when it comes to hiring, firing, or promoting an … [Continue reading]

Disability Discrimination Issues and Resolving Conflict at Work

If you are employed in California and have a disability, your workplace rights are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act, which is a federal law, and also by the Fair Employment and Housing Act, which is a California state law. The … [Continue reading]